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 Post subject: Folly and Fortune
PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2016 6:04 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 27, 2013 11:55 pm
Posts: 297
Folly and Fotune

Eifraien and Tabithna both attended to their duties at the temple they attended. It was fortunate that they were assigned to the same location despite the disparity of each one’s responsibilities. On the average day, the Altharian Priest and Ansharan Sword Saint would spend most of their time in each other’s presence, talking about their personal lives and reminiscing of their past adventures while undertaking of their roles and services befitting to their stations. But as of late, only the silence of sadness permeated their common area.

Several weeks have passed by since the events with Ar’Kelos occurred. Several weeks since they faced off a rival, rescused the mage, and made new acquaintances with an old foe. Several weeks since they’ve seen the comrade they trusted and cherished sailed off on the black ship of doom as they did nothing but watch him fade away.

Eifraien attended to the arrival of several supplies he had requested for the temple, and with the aid of Ranth and Tabithna, began to accommodate them inside. Yet, still no words were exchanged amongst them …

Either out of pent up frustration or just plain having enough of it, Tabithna dropped one of the boxes ‘So that’s it? You’re never going to talk to me or any of us again?’ scolding at Eifraien.

The one armed priest stopped abruptly from the inquisitive burst and faced Tabithna. As he was about to speak, he suddenly stopped and faced downward. Ranth continued to move in supplies un-phased by Tabithna’s eruption.

‘Deities damn it all. TALK TO ME, Eif! We cannot keep quiet about this any longer! I feel like I am about to explode inside!’ demanded Tabithna.

‘I … I do not have anything to say. I do not know what to say, Tabi. I let him walk off … I did nothing but watch him walk on to that profane ship and I did nothing but watch. What the hell was wrong with me?!’ responded Eifraien. ‘We all stood there and did nothing.’

‘Why didn’t you?’ she asked.

‘Why didn’t you?!’ he demanded in return.

‘I don’t know! I … I wanted to trust what he told us. But now that he’s gone, my instincts are screaming at me! We messed up! And now he's gone ...’ she replied, winding. A sad expression dominating her visage.

‘I felt the same. We owed him … a LOT. I was not about to negate his request to us.’

‘Out of all of us, you have known him the longest, don’t you?’ she asked.

Eifraien nodded ‘Both Govrin and I did, and in time, we then met you, then Plish, and now our large Ss’ressen friend here.’ nudging at Ranth as he moved the last of the supplies inside.

‘So now what, we keep moping around?’ questioned Tabithna

‘Ranth is tired of all thiss handy work.’ as he accommodated the last box down ‘Pay iss decent, but weakenss the mind, dullss the fighting in me. I dessire action and find our friend.’

Eifraien perked up for a moment ‘Why did you agree to join us, Ranth? I wanted to ask you before and I would have figured with your freedom gained, you would have gone somewhere else. What did you and Ar’Kelos actually talked about?’

‘Ranth owess hiss life to that Elorii. By ssparing it, I was in hiss debt. When I assked to come with you back then. The mage ssaid no to me. To come join when no favorss are owed. Then we would be equalss. I wandered the land, but found no place to belong. In time, hyena-lady found me again. No where elsse to go, sso I followed her. Then sshe captured the Elorii. Hyena lady asked me to kill him when time came to do sso, Ranth sset him free insstead. My debt paid. Ar’Keloss then ssaid we can deal as equals.’

Eifraien sighed somewhat. ‘It appears we all owed him in one way or another as our stories with Ar’Kelos isn’t that far different from yours, Ranth.’

… to be continued.

Talendos, the Shadow Raven
3.0 Expert, Soldier of Retribution, Assassin
"When you do something right, it's as if you didn't do it at all ..."

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 Post subject: Re: Folly and Fortune
PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2016 3:15 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 27, 2013 11:55 pm
Posts: 297
Folly and Fortune pt. 2

‘Both Govrin and I met Ar’Kelos about eight years ago.’ began Eifraien. ‘Much commotion was stirring up with the impending announcement of the 6th Crusade back then as many, even those from the First City, began preparations to travel toward Mil Takara and train for the upcoming war against the fiendish denizens on the other side of the wall. However, not everyone attended the Crusade. Many stayed behind out of fear, out of lack of prowess, and an even minor few out of duty. With so many going to war, the fear of low numbers to protect the citizens here became a rapid concern. I was one of those chosen to stay behind and to attend to my duties here as well as provide assistance to the constables. It was during that time I met Ar’Kelos and his aid was invaluable. Not only martially, but also with many aspects regarding the arcane. It was he who also convinced Govrin to stay and help versus him going off to Mil Takara. I lost count of how many times Ar’Kelos saved us both from the stray shot or an opponent that took advantage of an opening in our defenses during our time as city protectorates. A couple of years later, we then met you, Tabithna.’ as he turned toward the Ansharan Sword Saint.

‘I’m not sure what to say or where to begin?’ she remarked. ‘Since the day I first met you all, I was fascinated with him. Yes, he did appear arrogant to a certain degree at first, but over time I realized that he thinks on a different level than most of us and I do not mean just humans. I truly believe this extends even toward his kind. The way he carried himself about. His confidence, his mental fortitude, and even his subtle interactions. Before I knew it, my fascination developed into something deeper. I was in lo …’ she paused briefly. ‘No. For as much as I have tried to convince myself I am not, it is time I stop evading this truth. I am in love with him. My folly being I have no idea how to get him to reciprocate.’

‘Force him.’ stated Ranth

‘Huh?’ she replied, astounded at Ss’ressen’s statement.

‘Force him to ssee you.’ Ranth reaffirmed.

‘It’s not that easy, Ranth.’ retorted Tabithna. ‘Ar’Kelos isn’t exactly someone you force to do something. He would defy it just for the sake of defiance. I mean look at how he stood against the hyena-woman back where we met up with you again? He faced her despite the odds. Beaten, bloodied, practically slammed death’s door down and waltzed right in and still he defeated her. Who’d dare force him to do anything else? I fear that would push him away, not closer. No, this matter requires showing him I am worthy. The question is how. He’s close to two centuries old and no other woman has captured his attention, even other Elorii. What chance have I? And if I did, how *do* I interact with him?’ Tabithna blushed with that final thought.

‘No confidence iss your undoing.’ closed Ranth as he reached for his axe and began to sharpen it against a whet stone.

Tabithna was shocked at Ranth’s bold words. She was saddened to hear the truth she avoided all this time, its sting wounding deeper than she ever expected. ‘I wish I knew what to do next. What compelled him to do that? I mean, Ar’Kelos tends to plans things out ahead. What could this lead toward? Did he leave you any clues, Eif?’

‘None that he left in plain sight.’ pondered Eifraien. ‘This could be something bigger than we can handle and I can’t help but wonder if the arrival of his siblings was careful planning ahead or one amazing coincidence. Even more boggling, if this is truly part of his game plan, how far back has he prepared? The stone? Govrin’s demise? My mind can fathom all this …’

‘By the soulstone, you three are worse than a savonan drama troupe.’ came from the entrance as the familiar grumpy-toned dwarf as he walked into the area. ‘I leave you alone for a few days and you turn to mush.’

Ranth growled at Plish's comment as the other greeted their rogue'ish comrade.

‘Except you, Ranth, so be it me to incur your wrath.’ raising his hands, attempting to calm down the eight foot tall lizard. ‘So tell me this, why are you still saddened by the loss of that rouge-haired bastard? He abandoned us, all of us. We don’t owe him squat! He got on that boat by his own accord. Good riddance!’

‘How quick you forget the times your own skin was saved by his quick wit, Plish.’ asserted Eifraien. ‘His acts appear questionable, but did they not get us through that challenge? I do not know what’s worse, Plish, that you act like you hate him or that how blind your jealousy of him has made you.’

‘Jealous?!’ shouted Plish. ‘He’s a wanted elf, One-Arm! He’s done things that place him on the high notice of people that you don’t want noticing you and now he’s with the Ymandragorans, or are you conveniently ignoring the fact that he walked onto that boat like a guest instead of a prisoner? If he survives that ordeal with the Ymandrakes, it will be only a matter of time before the order it is given to take him out.’

‘Plish, what are you saying?’ Tabithna interjected.

‘The Orthodoxy is very close toward issuing the command to have him "cleansed".’

‘And you know this how?’ questioned Eifraien

‘I work for them.’ responded Plish coldly.

… to be continued.

Talendos, the Shadow Raven
3.0 Expert, Soldier of Retribution, Assassin
"When you do something right, it's as if you didn't do it at all ..."

B-lister, Super Human, Brawler
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Last edited by EddieS on Sun Feb 25, 2018 9:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Folly and Fortune
PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2016 5:16 am 
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::blink blink:: wait - Plish, the grumpy dwarf thief, works for the Orthodoxy?!?

Hmmm. Well well. I guess it really is true ... no one ever expects the dwarven Inquisition! :P

Eric Gorman

AKA Ambassador Tukufu, man of letters, tomb raider and Master Sword Sage
. . . and Sir Szymon val'Holryn, Order of the Phoenix
Formerly Sir Jaeger val'Holryn. Weilder of the Holy Avenger: Thonanos. Gave his soul to help free King Noen

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 Post subject: Re: Folly and Fortune
PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2016 9:11 am 
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Joined: Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:34 am
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Could be worse...I have a concept for a gnome Inquisitor of Cadic...'cause nobody expects the Gnomish Inquisition! Actually he's more of an undercover agent than one in the spotlight.

Michael T. Hebert

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Ursula val'Holryn, Grand Master of the Tralian Hammer 2.2 [Martial]
Arun of Tultipet, Holy Champion of Neroth 1.10 [Expert]
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 Post subject: Re: Folly and Fortune
PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2016 1:41 pm 

Joined: Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:46 pm
Posts: 1353
Interesting continuation of the last story. Though if Tabi is having that much trouble figuring out how to interact with Ar'Kelos, she should really go see a Larissan. ;)

One thing I'm confused about though - why would the Orthodoxy concern itself with an Elorii? I could see the Inquisition being concerned depending, but unless Ar'Kelos is specifically attempting to sway humanity away from the worship of the Pantheon, I don't see them taking any specific interest in him.

With a sweep of his hat,


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 Post subject: Re: Folly and Fortune
PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2016 2:19 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 27, 2013 11:55 pm
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val Holryn wrote:
... I guess it really is true ... no one ever expects the dwarven Inquisition! :P

Haakon_val'Ishi wrote:
...'cause nobody expects the Gnomish Inquisition!...

~ The inquisition (What a show) .... ~ ;)

Hat wrote:
Interesting continuation of the last story. Though if Tabi is having that much trouble figuring out how to interact with Ar'Kelos, she should really go see a Larissan. ;)

:lol: As fierce and strong willed Tabithna can be at times, there are certain "subjects" she's still shy about. Her feelings toward Ar'Kelos (now that she finally, completely, admitted it to herself) and how to interact with him on that level is one of them.

Hat wrote:
One thing I'm confused about though - why would the Orthodoxy concern itself with an Elorii? I could see the Inquisition being concerned depending, but unless Ar'Kelos is specifically attempting to sway humanity away from the worship of the Pantheon, I don't see them taking any specific interest in him.

With a sweep of his hat,


To be seen as the story's puzzle continues to unfold 8-)

Talendos, the Shadow Raven
3.0 Expert, Soldier of Retribution, Assassin
"When you do something right, it's as if you didn't do it at all ..."

B-lister, Super Human, Brawler
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 Post subject: Re: Folly and Fortune
PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2016 7:06 am 

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Posts: 297
Folly and Fortune pt.3

‘What in the world, Plish?!’ Tabithna reacting to Plish’s declaration.

‘Or-tho-dok-ssee?’ asked Ranth as he continued maintenance on his weapon.

‘What? I needed to make a living, and with our “adventuring” days waning as much as it did and especially after we parted paths three years ago, I sought other work and put myself out there. It didn’t take long for me to find employment that made use of my specific skill sets. At first I believed a branch of the Emerald Society had hired me as I was paid to work on a few excavations and tombs. I came to find out later that it was The Orthodoxy when I was approached by them regarding Ar’Kelos. After the conversation about the rouge-haired bastard, I was assigned to observe him and report.’ revealed Plish.

‘So that’s how you knew he went to the Observatory.’ concluded Eifraien. ‘Time didn't not go by when you last saw him. You’ve known where he was all this time.’

Plish nodded.

‘This also means The Orthodoxy knows about his ordeal at the Sea of Lanterns.’ further surmised Eifraien.

The rogue nodded again.

‘So where does this leave us?’ he asked looking at the dwarf sternly.

‘No where.’ responded Plish. ‘None of you are my mission, only that rouge-haired bookworm is.’

‘You used us …’ stated Eifraien firmly.

‘Huh?’ reacted Plish.

‘You … used … us. You conveniently waited till we got a lead regarding him and you waited for us to come to you.’

The dwarf burst out in a laugh. ‘One arm, you have a talent for the exaggeration. But you’re pretty observant. I guess that time with the bookworm has rubbed off on you, eh? Yes, I waited. We’ve all seen what Ar’Kelos can do. No way in hell do I want to take him on solo if my mission was discovered. But please don’t take it personal. I was just doing my job.’ as he continued chuckling.

‘Except, you didn’t account for the involvement of his family.’ interrupted Eifraien.

Plish’s chuckle quickly came to an end as he gave the priest a brief dirty look.

‘What was your real mission had his family not been there with us?’ Eifraien inquired.

‘Observe and report.’ still giving the Altharan a stern look.

‘And?!’ demanded Eifraien.

Plish clenched his teeth ‘… and eliminate if … if he performed any acts that defied The Orthodoxy’s paramters.’

‘What parameters?’ Eifraien asked firmly as he slowly moved his hand toward his waist.

Plish remained silent.

‘Plish!’ yelled Eifraien.

‘I can’t say. Classified.’

‘You need to leave …’ Tabithna demanded. ‘Now.’

At this time Ranth was standing behind the dwarf looking down at him.

Plish looked up at the lizard. ‘Bah, I don’t need this.’ as he began walking toward the exit. ‘You’re not my enemies. Don’t give me motive to be one.’

‘Practice what you’re preaching, you stubborn half-pint.’ scowled Tabithna.

The dwarvish rogue walked out not saying another word.

The three of them stood there in silence. Several minutes went by before anyone said a word …

‘Thiss iss one of thosse awkward momentss?’ inquired Ranth in a relatively innocent manner.

Tabithna looked at the lizard and began to giggle, appreciating the credulousness of his questioning. Eifraien followed suit upon hearing Tabithna, both bursting into hearty laughs.

‘Ranth not undersstand.’ a sincerely confused expression dominating his face.

‘Awww, dear Ranth. I just greatly appreciate your unique outlook at things sometimes.’ as she smiled at him.

Ranth shrugged as he still didn’t understand what just occurred. He packed his stuff and headed out.

‘Huh? Where are you going Ranth?’ asked Tabithna.

‘You don’t have to go after him, Ranth. Plish will come around.’ affirmed Eifraien.

‘Not going after grumpy.’ confirmed Ranth. ‘Need supplies for tonight.’ as he continued toward the door.

‘Tonight? What’s tonight?’ as she looked toward Eifraien for clarity. The priest shook his head, not knowing what was going on.

‘Moon sshines brightesst tonight. I ansswer her call. Cannot do sso here, too much chaoss.’

‘Do you need help? We could come and ..’

Ranth quickly interrupted her. ‘No! … not want pretty one and priesst friend to get hurt. Ssafer me out in wild away from otherss. Ranth be back tomorrow.’ Ranth exited off to handle his affairs.

‘It just hit me just how motley our group really is.’ stated Tabithna stunned at the realization. ‘Should we follow him?’ as she turned toward Eifraien.

‘No.’ he responded. ‘He’s been adjusting to the changes forced upon him by that Hyena-woman for years now. He knows what he’s doing. Besides, I still have to attend to the Ar’Kelos matter with his family.’

‘Didn’t they say they would reach out to us when they arrived?’ commented Tabithna.

Eifraien walked toward his desk and pulled out a very short parchment from a drawer. ‘One of them already has.’ as he handed the ledger to her. Upon it inked was the silhouette of a humanoid casting a shadow that took form of a crow.

… to be continued.

Talendos, the Shadow Raven
3.0 Expert, Soldier of Retribution, Assassin
"When you do something right, it's as if you didn't do it at all ..."

B-lister, Super Human, Brawler
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 Post subject: Re: Folly and Fortune
PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2016 4:56 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 27, 2013 11:55 pm
Posts: 297
Folly and Fortune pt. 4

Tabithna returned the ledger to Eifraien. ‘Which one and when?’

‘I imagine the very tall one that snuck up on all of us. Talendos was it?’ Eifraien pondered. ‘Not sure when.’

‘What are we going to do about Plish?’ she asked with genuine concern. ‘I know he has his moments, but this skirted way too close to the ledge. Did he ever mention what his real issue with Ar’Kelos was?’

‘Not exactly, but it is partially obvious that he is jealous of Ar’Kelos.’ Eifraien responded

‘Of what?’

‘Plish was always boastful about being the crafty one and quick thinker. Ar’Kelos woefully overshadowed him in this aspect. The fact that Ar’Kelos was at least one step ahead of him troubled Plish even further. It hit his pride. It also did not help that Ar’Kelos got the attention of a certain beauty, one which many men have repeatedly failed to captivate even slightly.’ Eifraien completed as he looked at his bardic companion.

‘Plish knows I worry about him as I do all of you.’ Tabithna clamored attempting to cover up blushing at the cleric’s last statement. ‘You’re all family to me.’

‘We all want attention in some way or another, Tabi, especially from beautiful women.’ chuckled Eifraien.

‘I swear, all men are just boys in older bodies.’ she pouted.

‘I will not deny this.’ laughed Eifraien. ‘However, one did manage to get your attention.’ he teased.

‘You just have to rub it in, don’t you?’ glaring at the cleric.

Both returned to their respective chores, the room growing quiet once more. Tabithna paused, appearing lost in deep thought. ‘Eif, what do you think he did to warrant the Orthodoxy’s attention?’

Eifraien sighed ‘I have been avoiding that question from the instance he boarded that ship. Part of me is dying to know as I want to be there for him, the rest of me dreads all of this and wants to forget the whole ordeal. Did he actually do something they consider threatening enough to our religious structure? They couldn’t be after him for being “too” Elorii? And Ar’Kelos has never said nor done anything to suggest he will sway mankind from the Pantheon. This again makes me wonder just what his grand plan is, how far back did he devise it, and just how deep the roots of his undertakings take place?’

‘Putting it that way, I understand what you mean by how mind-boggling it all is.’ added Tabithna.

‘Let’s eat, shall we?’ suggested Eifraien. ‘We’ve been at this for hours and I a famished.’

Tabithna nodded in agreement …


Later that evening, out by the wilds before the Flood Plains …

Both moons shone full and bright tonight. Such occasion only occurring once every month or so. A pack of wild cadaver hounds prowled the area on a frantic search for prey. Normally, the typical denizens of the area would fall prey to them, but tonight they sensed something different, something large enough to feed their pack for days. The curiosity of what this creature could be added to their hunger to feed on new meat drove them crazed with anticipation.

The hounds would catch brief glimmers a large life source, only to have it diminish into a smaller one moments later. Every so often they would find the remains of a slain animal ripped to shreds, fed upon, and the carcass discarded aside. Some of the hounds would feed briefly off the left remains, but the alpha kept moving about, snapping at the others when taking too long to satiate their appetites. This alpha wanted whatever dared to prowl on their grounds. About an hour of following the scent of their prey, their tenacity paid off as their life-sense triggered. Wanting to surround the creature and take it down, they began to circle and close in. As they got within visual distance, they witness one of the largest preys they have encountered in a long time. It was feeding off a twilight boar. Such boars would normally give his pack a difficult time to take down due to their ferocity when cornered. Yet here this thing was tearing off pieces of flesh off the animal as if it were mere paper with not a scratch upon it.

The pack drew closer in, ready to take advantage of the animal distracted by feeding on the boar. The disturbing hyena-like giggle as it gorged on its meal only to stop briefly, taking a whiff of the air around him standing completely from its crouched position revealing the humongous size of the creature. Quickly the hounds dashed in to pounce on their hapless victim. The creature’s hyena-like yelp replaced with a mighty roar of a prehistoric animal the likes which the hounds never heard before. The bellow caught several of the hounds off guard scaring them off as they yelped away with fright. The huge dinosaur-like creature pierced one of the hounds that leaped on him with its claw, ripping its head off in one bite, tossing it aside. It growled at the remaining members of the pack as it closed in on them. The pack slowly backing away, losing ground to this monstrosity’s approach. The Alpha growled back, barked at its intended prey and dashed in with the rest of the few hounds still about. The primal hyena-lizard roared once more and dashed at the hounds in retaliation ...

The light of Illir began to rise dispersing the shadows of Cadic throughout the plains. As the rays of sunshine landed on the land, Ranth woke up laying on the grass. He reached for his gear only to notice how red the ground was in the immediate area as well as the massacre of dead creatures that laid around him. Everything was covered in bloodshed, including himself. He look at the remains hoping to not find the bodies of any humanoids. Ranth got up and made his way toward the nearest lake to wash off.

… to be continued.

Talendos, the Shadow Raven
3.0 Expert, Soldier of Retribution, Assassin
"When you do something right, it's as if you didn't do it at all ..."

B-lister, Super Human, Brawler
"Bringing the noise!"

Last edited by EddieS on Sun Feb 25, 2018 10:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Folly and Fortune
PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 10:11 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 27, 2013 11:55 pm
Posts: 297
Pardon the delays on updating this chapter. Life keeps one busy from our cherished hobbies.

Folly and Fortune pt. 5

Days later …

Tabithna walked into the quarters where Eifraien tends to his daily business and chores as she notices he is preparing to head out.

‘Morning Eif, you look like you’re about to go somewhere?’

‘Aye, I’ve been asked to stop by that new Libretorium. They’re looking toward expanding and asked me to stop by to offer proper blessings.’ Eifraien responded.

‘This early in the day?’ she inquired.

‘It is not till a little later, but they are eager to get started as soon as possible and this does provide me with an opportunity to walk about and see the sites. You’re welcomed to come along. In fact, I insist. It would give us a chance to take a brief respite from our daily routine.’

Tabithna nodded and joined friend for a morning walk. As they did, they began small talk about the older days, Eifraien taking his time to walk to where ever they were strolling about. They continued their chat as Eifraien stopped at a small shop where famous for his fresh bread. He bought a pair and gave Tabithna a piece as he whispered to her ‘Go along with it.’ Turning about and heading toward a short man sitting on a barrel with a reed in his mouth several feet away from the bakery.

‘Great day for some bread, yes?’ as he approached the seated figure. The man looked up at the Altheran. ‘Why yes it is.’ as he opened his hand. Eifraien handed him a loaf of bread and 3 silver pieces. The man hopped off the barrel ‘Follow me please.’ and began walking. Eifraien followed as he looked toward Tabithna whom had a complex look to her by this time. He nodded his head to follow. She did as such as she adjusted the sheath on her belt to a more advantageous position.

Several minutes-worth of travel brought them to the area of the First City’s storehouse section. Taking several twists and turns, the short man eventually led them inside one of the storehouses. Relatively small, the storage housed what appeared to be several stacks of crates covered by long sheets. The short man sat upon one of the smaller stacks, addressing the pair before him. ‘Thank you for coming.’ smiling at them both.

‘What is this all about?’ demanded Tabithna.

‘Nothing to worry’bout much, luv.’ the short man responded. ‘Our employer has expressed great interest toward hiring your services.’

Tabithna moved her hand on the hilt of her sword as it dawned on her they weren’t alone.

‘No need for that, luv. Our employer would just like for you to be an additional set of eyes and ears for ‘em. Nothing that would take you away frum your current duties and what not.’

‘Who is your employer?’ inquired Eifraien.

‘Sorry chap. Can’t say. Our employer rather enjoys the benefits of anonymity.’

‘What would your employer want us to do?’ Eifraien further inquired.

‘It appears you have a visit from a certain rival, so to speak, and you previously enjoyed the company of a prestigious magi in the past. We like for you to report to us regarding any future visits.’

‘Why?’ asked Tabithna.

‘That is for my employer to know.’ the short man responded.

‘If we refuse?’ Eifraien questioned.

‘That wouldn’t be so healthy.’ the man smiled.

‘Then we refuse.’ confirmed Tabithna.

‘So unwise, lass. Oh so unwise.’ as the man whistled and hopped off the crate, his weapon readied.

Eifraien placed himself back to back with Tabithna, both awaiting the ambush. The short man closed in on them, grinning as he approached. His grin slowly changing to a confused look when he noticed others did not appear. That look changed to horror at the sudden burst of blood spraying from his neck as a blade pierced right through his throat from the dark behind him.

Both Eifraien and Tabithna were shocked momentarily from the sight as the blade retrogressed back into the dark. From the shadows emanated a tall figure that greeted both of them with a big grin that brandished feral looking teeth. ‘Hello again.’ as Talendos wiped the blood off his blade.

‘Be ready, Shadow Raven, there are others.’ informed Eifraien looking about for the rest of that ambush party.

‘About them … yeah, there are no others.’

Both vals looked the tall Osalikene curiously

‘Let’s just say the ambushers became ambushees.’ grinned Talendos mischievously at the still confused pair.

‘What the hell?!’ reacted Tabithna

‘Huh? Oh yeah, this would make a lot more sense with some explaining, no?’

‘That would be helpful.’ stated Eifraien sarcastically.

‘I needed to make sure of their intention.’ Talendos began. ‘So I waited to see what they wanted from you.’

‘Here I thought this was originally your doing.’ Eifraien stated

‘Meet mysteriously at a storehouse away from all prying eyes? Too cliché and too obvious, it’s not my style. It would have been much safer and effective to have met you at your temple.’ nodded the Elorii.

‘Wait, so you used us as bait?’ Tabithna asked angrily.

‘Yeeeaaah …. sorry about that. Really had to make sure, you know? You were being observed. I needed to know why and by whom.’

‘So the note to gather elsewhere was a rouse to draw them out.’ deducted Eifriaen.

‘Got to give it to you Altherans, you live up to your logical reputation.’ praised Talendos.

‘Ok, what is going? I’m getting a little tired of the cloak and dagger nonsense.’ demanded Talbithna.

‘Good Goddess, are all your women this hot headed?’

‘Careful Elorii, your brother is still paying the price for making that very same statement years ago.’ she threatened.

‘Duly noted.’ he acknowledged. ‘Concerning what’s going on, it is time for us to play catch up.’ The three of them spoke for a while exchanging tales regarding what took place after the left Caltin Observatory several weeks ago, the re-encounter with the Hyena-woman, Ar’Kelos leaving on the Ymandragoran ship, and the encounter of the Malfelan woman.

‘Questions leading to more questions.’ pondered Talendos. ‘I am not convinced Ar’Kelos left with the Ymandragorans of his own true free accord.’

‘I am sorry Shadow Raven. There is no denying what we all mutually witnessed.’ stated Eifraien.

‘That Malfelan, she’s behind this. She practically bragged about before making her departure.’ stated Talendos. ‘I suspect these hirelings are her doing.’

‘How do you know?’ Tabithna inquired

Talendos reached in toward the waist of the corpse laying on the floor. He retrieved something and tossed a coin to Tabithna. Catching it, she began to inspect closely. ‘This is old, VERY old.’ she analyzed.

‘Don’t make them like that anymore.’ Talendos added. ‘One either has it or doesn’t, and they’re worth a lot to those that get their hands on it. No Elorii would part with it for just any plain reason.’ as he stood up, taking the coin pouch with him. Tabithna looked at him oddly. ‘Evidence.’ he remarked with a wink.

‘I thank you Cleric of Althares, you have done a great service. One which will not go unpaid.’ stated Talendos as he began to walk away.

‘You’re not telling us everything, Raven.’ Eifraien firmly stated. ‘You haven’t told us why this Malfelan is involved nor what is it your brother is truly upto. Or how you know we were being observed.’

Talendos kept walking.

‘You know the Orthodoxy has your brother on watch.’

Talendos did not stop.

‘The Dwarf-thief with us that day of the Observatory works for them.’ Eifraien said louder to ensure it reached the distancing Elorii.

Talendos stopped and turn his head toward the Eifraien, a serious expression dominated his face. ‘Ok, Altheran. Information exchange. You talk, then I.’

‘Fair enough.’ agreed Eifriaen. ‘For some reason, the Orthodoxy wants Ar’Kelos fiercely observed. As for why is privy to me, but they have hired Plish to do this deed. Now you’re turn.’

Talendos looked at Eifraien. ‘The Malfelan, she has … old ties to me. She plans to use Ar’Kelos to further own plans since I wouldn’t comply with her original wishes. Your turn.’

‘That’s all I know, Shadow Raven. I truly wish I had more.’

‘Then we are concluded here.’ stated Talendos as he resumed walking away.

‘Where will you go now? Do you know where Ar’Kelos is?’ asked Tabithna

‘No, I do not. But I hope a visit to your grumpy ally may provide more foresight.’ as he disappeared into the shadows.

… to be continued.

Talendos, the Shadow Raven
3.0 Expert, Soldier of Retribution, Assassin
"When you do something right, it's as if you didn't do it at all ..."

B-lister, Super Human, Brawler
"Bringing the noise!"

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 Post subject: Re: Folly and Fortune
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:45 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 27, 2013 11:55 pm
Posts: 297
Folly and Fortune pt. 6

‘For someone that tall, you were a righteous pain to locate, you know that, Shadow Raven?’ scolded a male voice at, the now prone, Talendos.

‘Aww, it shouldn’t have been that difficult stranger. I mean I was practically all out in the open.’ retorted Talendos as he started to slowly get up from being knocked down.

‘Out in the open? These alleys are open ground only to sneaky rats like you.’ spoke a female voice. ‘I doubt anyone will find you here.’ she concluded.

‘You’d be surprised at the sheer amount of traffic that passes by these particular alleys. Lots use them for shortcut traffic. And we’re being quite visible and audible. It’s almost like you catching me here all surprised-like was planned ahead.’ smirked the Shadow Raven.

‘You’re saying you surprising us instead of the other way around? I know you’re good, but you’re not that good, Shadow Raven.’ contradicted the male. ‘You were caught unaware.’

‘One thing you should know about me, friend. I am never unaware.’ continued smirking Talendos.

‘All that bravado, yet you’re also outnumbered.’ added the female.

Talendos just smiled at his two assailants, brandishing his feral teeth as he did. ‘I’m also never alone.’

‘By Cadic, you’re as noisy as ever, Raven.’ as an individual stepped out from the darker corners. The individual appeared to be a Legionnaire in his thirties, donning a cape denoting his time served in the latest Crusade. Brandishing the sigil of the Watchful Hunter and carrying two sheathed blades and a lyre upon him.

‘The Twilight Lyrist, what are you doing here?’ reacted the male. ‘How the hell do you know him, Elorii?’

‘Twilight Lyrest? I’ve known him since the days we called him “Twinkles”.’ boasted Talendos as he chuckled.

‘Hey, Raven, borrow my sword. I insist.’ gestured Vincens as he made the motion to hand off his weapon to the Osalikene.

‘You and that blade of yours, you’re obsessed!’ chided Talendos.

‘HEY! You better start paying attention to me!’ demanded the female as she lunged into attack the Elorii. Talendos dodged her strike, drawing out his blades in the process.

‘What did you do now, Raven? I can’t take you anywhere can I?’ taunted Vincens as he blocked the male’s attack on Talendos.

‘No clue. They could be mad at you, probably sour after listening to one of your performances.’ Talendos taunted back while dodging another attack from the female.

‘Seriously, I truly insist that borrow my blade. Besides, they were both attacking you.’ he pointed out non-chalantly.

‘I said PAY ATTENTION TO ME!’ yelled the female as both assailants rushed in to attack Talendos and Vincens. A series of weapon clashing against each other, both the Elorii and the Val slid back-to-back of each other from the push of their opponents’ barrage.

‘Short sword and steel whip here. You?’ asked Talendos

‘Sword and board.’ replied Vincens.


Vincens nodded .‘Trade.’ As both turned about to face their newly exchanged foes.

‘New dance partner? Fine by me.’ the female addressed Vincens as he formally introduced himself to her, bowing with a sweep of his hat. He readied himself with one of his swords and waved at her. ‘One bladed against both of mine, aren’t we the arrogant one.’ she mocked. Talendos lunged at the male, his passing strike bouncing off his opponent’s shield. He quickly spun about to face the male. ‘I was warned that you were pretty swift, Elorii. She told us you were going to be problematic to confront. Frankly, I was looking forward toward it.’ the male stated as he stood ready for the Osalikene’s next attack.

‘Your source appears to like to have her battles fought by someone else, merc. Still, you do have an unfair advantage as you know something of me, but here I am at a loss at who you two are and why I am your quarry.’

‘Money and I get to be a royal pain the ass to someone. What more could a mercenary like me ask for? As for who I am … that’s none of your BUSINESS!’ the man boasted, lunging toward Talendos, blade ready to thrust through the Elorii. Talendos spun about, stabbing both weapons into the man’s side, quickly spun again slashing once more as the merc charged past him. He turned to face Talendos, his arm and clothes stained with blood from the wound just received.

‘Nice hit, elf. I thought this was going to be an easy, boring, assignment. I am glad I was wrong. Show me more, elf … show me MORE!’ he yelled as he dashed again. Talendos followed suit and ran toward his opponent, setting his blade for a passing strike. ‘Not this time!’ the merc shouted, stopping abruptly as he swung his shield. Talendos tried to quickly adjust, but it was too late as the edge of the metallic wall knocked him off his feet.

The female merc didn’t waste any time as he launched barrage after barrage between her sword and steel whip only to be thwarted as Vincens parried her attacks and riposting in the end of each series.

‘Hey! You’re not supposed to hit a lady!’ she complained.

‘You have yet to display any lady-like qualities.’ he politely replied, standing in stance, readying for her.

Talendos quickly got up as the male lunged at him again, this time they locked weapons with each other.

‘How did that metal taste, Elorii?’ he taunted.

‘Nowhere near as good as that gash on your side I wager.’ Talendos retorted back.

The female began her series of strikes on Vincens, but this time they were a little slower and more forceful than before, causing the Sword Saint’s weapon to reel back a tad with each hit. Yet, it still wasn’t enough as Vincens was still able to parry her strikes and again riposting her final one. Anticipating the riposte, she stepped in closer in an attempt to throw Vincens off. The Twilight Lyrest took advantage of her mistake and sliced deep when he riposted, leaving her open to a follow up attack. As he performed the move, she swung desperately to counter his. She missed terribly, Vincens’ blow bit deep into her arm and even cut through an armband she wore there. The force of the hit spun her in mid-air and launched her back several feet.

‘Ralisa!’ reacted the male, weapons still locked with the Elorii.

The woman looked at her armband. ‘What have you done?!’ she yelled with trepidation. A burst of energy violently emanated from the bracer and from one of the darker corners of the alley and eerie, cold, laughter pierced the area. Several, dark, tentacles shot out from that corner wrapping around the legs of both mercenaries, dragging them both into the darkness. Their screams echoed from the void …

… to be continued.

Talendos, the Shadow Raven
3.0 Expert, Soldier of Retribution, Assassin
"When you do something right, it's as if you didn't do it at all ..."

B-lister, Super Human, Brawler
"Bringing the noise!"

Last edited by EddieS on Wed Jun 22, 2016 9:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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