Paradigm Concepts

Tweaking the werewolf
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Author:  Blusponge [ Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:18 am ]
Post subject:  Tweaking the werewolf

I'm looking for some guidance on a way to create a less "wolfie" version of the werewolf. I'm envisioning a sort manwolf who has a thing for the ladies. He can spread his curse by creating sort of "lesser werewolf" thralls to back him up (lieutenants). These wouldn't be nearly as big, monstrous or hairy. So how would you go about tweaking things? Any talents or powers that jump out as being necessary? Is there a toned down version of monstrous form already there?


Author:  Blusponge [ Tue Dec 31, 2013 11:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tweaking the werewolf

Alright, so after some consideration I finally figured out my angle. It took a bit, mainly because I was worried I was treading on Vampire territory - and it still does to sme degree.

The manwolf in question is a bit different in that rather than passing along a curse, he can impart a fraction of his "essence" to those he chooses (usually women of certain tawdry professions). They dont become full fledged manwolves on the night of the full moon. in fact, they never change unless "called". These women become the manwolf's "dark flock, sleeper agents and spies. When activated, he enjoys a limited empathic link with his flock: he can give the rudimentary telepathic commands and even see through their eyes (but not hear what they hear or read their minds other than on an emotional level).

These thralls are lieutenants with all the stats of the manwolf, reduced by 1 rank. Grand fury is reduced to Fury. Monstrous form is stepped down too, giving them only half the usual bonus. I imagine their transformation more akin to the werewolves in MTV's Teen Wolf rather than the full on bestial monstrosity. This still makes them potent enemies for lower ranking WHers and good reinforcements for the manwolf in question. Oh, and they cannot pass along their condition to others. If the manwolf is question is killed, they will (probably) revert to human form none the wiser. Their transformation is entirely on the behest of the alpha manwolf.

There are a few more details, but I'll withhold those for now in case any of my players are watching. >:(

Anyhow, I'll be testing the out soon enough. If anyone is interested in their stats, pm me. If anyone has suggestions on making these buggers more fearsome or interesting, lets hear it.


Author:  Blusponge [ Sat Jan 18, 2014 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tweaking the werewolf

Holy crap! Werewolves are tough!

As it is I forgot about the regeneration capability of the thralls until midway through the fight and decided to drop it completely. It would have been a bloodbath if I hadn't. Also thinking about tweaking them to reduce their health track down to about 5. It shouldn't take an hour to bring down 3 demi-werewolves. Or maybe in the future I'll just make them very tough minions. I'll have to think about that one.


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