Paradigm Concepts

"All skill" Powers
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Author:  LuckoftheKevin [ Fri Jun 05, 2015 2:31 am ]
Post subject:  "All skill" Powers

I am trying to figure out which skills can be effected with the "All Skill" Power modification. looking at two different locations in the book (page 20 and page 51) I find that the book doesn't match up. The first location is when it is talking about the primary skills for each archetype, and the second location is the list of powers at the beginning of the power section.

They both agree on a few powers:
Enhanced Attack (Understandable, special training)
Enhanced Sense (Also understandable)
Sixth Sense (training instincts?)
Celerity (Repetition and training)

Then Page 20 lists:
Adoptive Muscle Memory (Skill to just be able to pick up a skill by watching?)
Luck (As much as i want this to be a thing, training for luck doesn't always work)
Speed (My character's super speed can be all skill?)

And page 51 instead lists"
Surge (Bursts of speed, makes sense)
Enhanced Attribute (Training and practice, can make sense)

What is the actual list?

Author:  EddieS [ Fri Jun 05, 2015 4:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "All skill" Powers

By how I was made to understand this mod, All Skill powers can be applied to any power which can be learned via training of sorts, instead of being a natural born power.

Examples: Athletic runners can train their body to burst in speed, or body builders raised might, veterans of wars (or whatnot) gain an instinct-like "danger sense" due to all the honed skills gained throughout those years in combat, etc, etc, etc.

Some powers, obviously, cannot have this mod applied to. Ex: natural flight. Project energy beams naturally from your eyes, etc.

Basically if it is something that through some type of training it can be developed, All Skill can be applied to it. Ultimately it will be up to your Chronicler (GM) to determine yay or nay.

As for an actual list? I'm not truly sure there is one as the concept of leaving it up to your imagination and GM approval was implied.

Author:  Southernskies [ Mon Apr 10, 2017 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "All skill" Powers

Late addition to this:

The table of Powers has a "*" next to all Powers that can have All-Skill applied.

Author:  val Holryn [ Mon Apr 10, 2017 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "All skill" Powers

While you can't train some things like luck they represent things that are reasonable for a "normal" person to have (at least in the context of the game). I have a friend IRL who always seems to find parking spaces near the front of the mall. Pretty sure she doesn't have super powers, but it happens enough that we laugh about it.

Again as stated above, see the list with asterisks for what can be taken.

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