Paradigm Concepts

Arcaniscon Pick Up Games
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Author:  Haakon_val'Ishi [ Wed Mar 02, 2016 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arcaniscon Pick Up Games

Which character would you be playing Dave?

Author:  wilcoxon [ Wed Mar 02, 2016 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arcaniscon Pick Up Games

marybamford wrote:
Dante wrote:
marybamford wrote:
For Sunday, I've got 2 other players who need to play either:
-- Upon a Distant Shore
-- Morals and Ideals

To confirm what Mary B. said, I'm up for playing either of those on Sunday morning. Either would be a replay for me. I have a little preference for "Morals" if other players don't have a preference.

Eric G's agreed (I believe -- correct me if I'm wrong) to run one of these Sunday morning. I have no preference, so let's plan on Morals.

I've got 2 other players up for it, too.

So, that makes a table of 4 (DaveC, me, +2 others) to play "Morals & Ideals" with Eric GMing. Anyone else interested?


For either of those two modules, put me down as tentative for Sunday. I played them both relatively recently with Ss'kethis but could replay them with G'hyu'thyh.

Author:  val Holryn [ Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arcaniscon Pick Up Games

If there is a table of To Die Alone being run Saturday Morning I would volunteer to run it....would be kinda weird not too. :D

Author:  Haakon_val'Ishi [ Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arcaniscon Pick Up Games

Eric you are the MAN!!! That gives me a chance to trot out Ursula who got her Former Soldier background in Almeric. Besides you are a much better GM than me.

Author:  wilcoxon [ Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arcaniscon Pick Up Games

So it looks like the Saturday morning table is:

Mod: To Die Alone
GM: Eric G (thanks very much)
Steve Wilcoxon
Dave Chappel
Michael Hebert
John (per Michael H)
Beth (per Michael H)

Author:  Davebauder [ Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arcaniscon Pick Up Games

val Holryn wrote:
Davebauder wrote:
We have a table of 4 ... We are hoping to play ... starting at 1 PM ... A2HP03 - Ancient Battles Unfinished ...

I would be willing to run the 1 pm slot of That Which Lies Beneath on Thurs. Could become a tradition...I ran that for people last year!

Eric. You rock! Thank you. We now have 5 players, our 4 and Michael T. Hebert. We have a

2.4 Nierite War Priest
1.9 Myrmadon
1.7 Val Sheem Psi Warrion
?? Val Emmon

See you there my friends.

Author:  acurrier [ Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arcaniscon Pick Up Games

I'm sure I have a character who could play on Thursday at 1pm.

We will aim to start Thief in the Library at 7pm, earlier if everyone is ready sooner.

I am at the hotel now, not sure where the games are going to be played. I assume a board room/convention room has been booked for the main convention, but not sure whether we can get access to that space on Thursday. I haven't seen much 'common area' to use.

Author:  Haakon_val'Ishi [ Wed Mar 02, 2016 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arcaniscon Pick Up Games

Davebauder wrote:
val Holryn wrote:
Davebauder wrote:
We have a table of 4 ... We are hoping to play ... starting at 1 PM ... A2HP03 - Ancient Battles Unfinished ...

I would be willing to run the 1 pm slot of That Which Lies Beneath on Thurs. Could become a tradition...I ran that for people last year!

Eric. You rock! Thank you. We now have 5 players, our 4 and Michael T. Hebert. We have a

2.4 Nierite War Priest
1.9 Myrmadon
1.7 Val Sheem Psi Warrion
?? Val Emmon

See you there my friends.

I think there's a disconnect here. I will not be on site until noon on Friday. Eric Gorman has offered to run To Die Alone for us on Saturday morning. To be clear my schedule for this con is the two con mods on Friday, To Die Alone on Saturday morning, and the con special The Plagued Boneyard for Saturday afternoon and evening. If I can convince my car mates to stay on site a bit longer I will see if we can get a mod in on Sunday morning but there is no guarantee of that. Sorry for the confusion on this and I hope I cleared this up. By the way the Dave I was referring to was Dave Chappell.

Author:  Davebauder [ Wed Mar 02, 2016 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arcaniscon Pick Up Games

Haakon_val'Ishi wrote:
I think there's a disconnect here. l.

Too many Davids. A likely story. Wait, there are too many. They're everywhere! ... (queue insuing paranoia.)

I appreciate the clarification and I hope you have a great game.

Author:  Haakon_val'Ishi [ Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arcaniscon Pick Up Games

Yeah I'm sorry I couldn't help you guys out. If I could I would either run for you guys or play. But I only have two weeks of vacation and these are my last two of the year. As it is Origins eats up half of my time (darn work schedule is Wed-Sun if you can believe it...grrr). So I have to burn five full days to go to that con. I do have Mondays and Tuesdays off on either end so it makes for a nice long vacation. :) As it is I had to swap shifts with a coworker to get Friday off. Ugh. That leaves me five days, three for Ucon and two for Arcanicon next year, where once again I have to hope a coworker is willing to cover my Friday shift. But it beats being unemployed!

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