Paradigm Concepts

How many non-combat minions are too many??
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Author:  Eric Hughes [ Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  How many non-combat minions are too many??

Acturis likes collecting "Walking Wealth". He's got four horses, a carriage, two fine slaves and a hunting dog. My question is at what point does the adventuring circus become too much? Keep in mind these are all non-combat minions. So in combat they are, if anything, a liability. As such they are not intrensicly unballencing.

Author:  Haakon_val'Ishi [ Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many non-combat minions are too many??

I would imagine most of this stuff would not show up in combat unless you got ambushed. I see it as window dressing for the role playing. Now if you insisted on bringing it along I could see the GM targeting your stuff (if it makes sense for the bad guys to do so of course). I don't know if I would want to keep track of all that stuff in combat. Clock's complicated enough as it is. :)

Author:  Southernskies [ Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many non-combat minions are too many??


<checks current campaign doc>

Interesting. Used to be on the campaign restricted item list. The Errata/FAQ (under Heirloom) still references that homes, chariots and ships are not available in the campaign.

One fireball doing a Massive Damage wound will generate quite a bit of wealth removal.

Author:  Eric Hughes [ Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many non-combat minions are too many??

The "Homes, Chariots, Ships" are simply banned from heirloom use. You can still buy them the old fashioned way. There are PC's with certed homes in the first city via kickstarter.

As for wealth removal, the horses, and slaves go down fast, but surprisingly not so much for the carriage. It has AR 20 HR 2. However as an adventuring tool it is notoriously impractical. Narrow alleys, dungeons, and rocks all cause heartache. Still, for that one time when I capture a high value NPC.... Me "I toss the mob in jail" GM "What jail? Your in a desert." Me "No problem, I've got a portable one."

Author:  val Holryn [ Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many non-combat minions are too many??

Hey Arcturis,

Belinay was heading out to do some serious sandal shopping. I was wondering if I could borrow you carriage to... You know, carry all that stuff stuff back? I'll get it back to you next week at the latest.



Author:  Eric Hughes [ Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many non-combat minions are too many??

Sure, it is the high holidays and I hear that she places a high bounty on sandals. But I will still need a 50 gp deposit to assure the safe return of my gear.

Author:  val Holryn [ Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many non-combat minions are too many??

50 gc?!? Don't be silly. No carries that much around as pocket change. Just loan me your two slaves and they'll make sure wagon comes back in one piece.

There! Problem solved

(And OOC also takes care of the issue of too many non combat minions... :D )

Author:  Eric Hughes [ Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How many non-combat minions are too many??


You've caught me in the holiday spirit. Not only will I -loan- you my carriage and slaves free of charge, "Sparky" and I will guard your library while you are out shopping with the misses.

(OOC I call this mutual assured destruction)

Author:  Dante [ Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many non-combat minions are too many??

Similar to Eric H.'s bounty hunter, one my PCs is acquiring a larger and larger entourage because he's a patrician and considers such a group normal as well as political and pragmatic. I am up front with GMs that they are non-combatants, but I have miniatures for them since ambushes happen. Those minions will not go into expected combat situations and will back away from combat when we are ambushed, though they each carry a dagger for extreme circumstances since wild animals don't care. For ambush situations, some GMs let them stay off the battlefield; while others want them to be present at first and will have bad guys react to them appropriately. They have been vanquished by stamina before but have never made an offensive move--the most extreme being a case of going full defense in combat when we were surrounded and couldn't escape.

I haven't played with Eric's bounty hunter yet but presume he'd use his minions in a similar noncombat way.

Author:  Eric Hughes [ Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many non-combat minions are too many??

Yes, that is a mechanically correct description of how I play them. In Character however, I like to play up that the whole enterage is hunting the target, which is true. Only the slaves and dog only help with tracking and gather information rolls.

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