Paradigm Concepts

Mysteries of the Tenecian Empire
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Author:  Dante [ Sun Jul 15, 2018 12:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Mysteries of the Tenecian Empire

Little is known of the mysterious and forbidden Tenecian Empire. In the later days of the Shadowed Age, it arose in what is now the southwestern portion of the Coryani Empire. The ethnically Altherian peoples received Althares' First Gift (electromagnetism), which they used to make Altherian steel [which seems better in stories than in game mechanics] and eventually sky ships and even the floating city of Khafré. Other city-states and nations (and even gar) considered the Tenecians to be despotic (perhaps jealous of their advanced technology? or maybe they were), and they worked together the battle the Tenecians. After Khafré fled to what is now new Althré on the Altherian Peninsula, the Coryani Empire and the Mother Church have forbidden exploration of Tenecian ruins.

Nierite wrote:
Cody Bergman [Nierite] gave a good description of the Tenecian Empire in a post in his "Musings of a Canadian Nierite" series:

I theorize that the Tenecian Empire obtained some of their amazing knowledge by plundering an advanced alien race from another world--an outpost of some sort on Arcanis in the vicinity of their Empire. This advanced technology let them move leaps and bounds beyond other Onarans. Whether those aliens were alive or dead, allies or conquests, known or unknown is unclear, but that scenario certainly fits all the clues. The Second Gift of Althares (blastpowder), clockwork creatures, and other advanced Tenecian advances may also be derived in part or whole from that otherworldly technology. The store of the Nelgazzi and val'Abebi (in Legacy of Damnation d20, p.17) shows that during the First Imperium the Altherians had knowledge and interest in advanced biotechnology from other worlds. All this does not detract from the intelligence and ingenuity of the Altherian people: it till takes lots of ingenuity and hard work to reverse engineer vastly advanced technology, and the fact that PCs are unaware of this (hypothesized) past shows that it is not the direct cause of all Altherian advances.

Now I am more interested than ever in investigating these forbidden Tenecian ruins.

Author:  acurrier [ Sun Jul 15, 2018 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mysteries of the Tenecian Empire

Dante wrote:
I theorize that the Tenecian Empire obtained some of their amazing knowledge by plundering an advanced alien race from another world--an outpost of some sort on Arcanis in the vicinity of their Empire. This advanced technology let them move leaps and bounds beyond other Onarans.

Why? I realize that I’m not as well read on the Tenecians as some others, and I’ve missed most (all) of the most recent modules, but what technologies did they have that were so wildly advanced that they could not have been invented by followers of the god of inventing stuff?

The ‘aliens’ theory seems out there to me, and not well supported.

Author:  val Holryn [ Mon Jul 16, 2018 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mysteries of the Tenecian Empire

During the Shadowed Age there were lots of remnants of First Imperium “Tech” laying around and being used. For example The Auxunites, from building a fort like “the Plug” to Lord Khidah’s Armor made or did things that would be impossible in today’s countries of Arcanis. So I want to point out at the start that advanced “stuff” could just have easily be relic knowledge from a time in the ancient empires that was once much greater than what exists today.

It’s not clear what the Tenecians had by way of technology. In Forged in Magic reforged there is an entry for the sword Harmony that imentions the Tenecians people. I read the fluff in that entry as the Tenecians being neighbors and maybe allies to the Altherians right before they launched their sky city. It’s not clear at all what special tech they might have had (if any).

What is truly weird about the Tenecians is that their ruins are banned from exploration by the Mother Church. Nothing like that exists for any other old ruins. By comparison the Mother Church is silent on people, digging up stuff from Sunken Myrantis. Is that because there is some kind of Tenecians “tech” there they want banned. Or is it something else? Personally, my guess at the moment is that there was/is something from a historical/cultural perspective that the powers in the Mother Church want to keep out of the history books and the public conscious. Not necessarily artifacts that are specifically dangerous. (I used to think that, but my thoughts have evolved).

Who were the Tenecians? We really don’t know.

As for the thoughts of extra planar beings or travelers...well that’s now fertile ground after this years Origin mods. The party line is that planar travel is really hard in Arcanis. But we went into DZV over 2 mods and a BI and saw A LOT of stuff that was not only very dangerous but deeply deeply ... weird.

It’s open season on weird theories to explain what was seen. Trying not to leave spoilers here.

Author:  Dante [ Fri Jul 20, 2018 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mysteries of the Tenecian Empire

acurrier wrote:
The ‘aliens’ theory seems out there to me, and not well supported.

My "aliens" theory involves spoilers, which I carefully omitted. Either you've played the mod(s) in question and get it, or else there are clues you don't know that I don't want to spoil.

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