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 Post subject: Horse
PostPosted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 1:12 am 

Joined: Mon Feb 12, 2018 8:49 pm
Posts: 70
Actual horse, not a character named "Horse." Cross-posted from the Rules & Rulings thread.

RC Horse Stats - proposal (rationale at the bottom)

Horse (300 pt build): Ultra-level common threat OR Beta-level exceptional threat

Stats: (162 pts)
Stat Base Val Pts Die PM

Might* 3 12 64 d12 +5
Prowess* 3 6 12 d8 +3
Quickness* 3 6 12 d8 +3
Vigor* 3 12 64 d12 +5
Charisma 1 1 0 d4 +1
Insight 1 3 5 d6 +2
Logic 1 1 0 d4 +1
Resolve 1 3 5 d6 +2

Size: Large

Attacks (15 pts):
-Kick/Trample (hoof): +4 (= melee skill)
-Damage die: d8 (purchased as a rank 5 "additional attribute")

Avoidance 16 (=17 - 1 for "large")
Discipline 16
Fortitude 23 (=22 + 1 for "toughness")
Stamina 30 (or 61 = 55 + 6 for "toughness" for the "exceptional threat" version)
Wounds 1 (or 2 for the "exceptional threat" version)

AR: (2 pts)
-Ballistic 1
-Melee 1
-Energy 0

Pace 5
Initiative 3

Advantages: (15)
Diehard 5
Toughness 5
Wary 5

Natural Abilities: (24)
Enh. Hearing* 6 16
Speed* 3 4
Surge(run)* 3 4 (2x per scene)

Skills: (82)
Athletics 7 28
Acrobatics 4 10
Melee 4 10
Perception 7 28
Stealth 3 6

Rationale & Concept:

1. "Common" versus "Exceptional" threat: Both are 300 point builds, but common threats get 1 Wound and half stamina, whereas exceptional threats get their full stamina and 2 Wounds. Thus, this build could be used in either capacity with minimal alteration, depending on what you need story-wise.

2. I suspect the build guidelines for Animals (pg 108) MEANT to say "Animals also pay their current rank (much like primary powers) when advancing physical attributes or gaining natural abilities, while purchasing natural attack damage dice and body armor as additional attributes."
* In the build above, the asterisk denotes components bought as "primary powers."

3. Conceptualization: I mainly focused on the horse as a long-enduring plains runner, a working animal, and a prey animal. Therefore, I focused on predator awareness, Vigor and Stamina for running and labor, Might for work, and I de-prioritized combat. Specific manifestations include:

Might and Vigor of 12 (d12 level) is for work and working/running stamina. Large creatures get a die bump to both of these, so these levels seemed size-appropriate for the concept. Resolve is similarly elevated (in animal terms) to reflect perseverance of effort.

The "Quickness = 6, plus Speed 3, plus Surge 3" combination is an attempt to get a reasonable mix of a real horse's long-distance travel pace and sprinting pace without also juicing the horse's reflexes to something catlike. There are probably other ways to engineer this, but the above seems a reasonable first pass.

The Diehard and Toughness advantages are mostly to provide stamina for work and running endurance.
Similarly, Athletics is for work and jumping, and Acrobatics is for jumping and rodeo-esque contortions.

The Wary advantage and Enhanced Hearing and high Perception skill are prey-animal features to represent awareness of predators. Similarly, Insight is elevated for predator awareness. The Stealth exists to represent some ability to stay still and quiet.

Conversely, Logic is weak because of the "run into the burning barn" phenomenon, and I left Charisma alone just because none of the other animals had it bumped up - not even dogs.

For combat, I kept Prowess high enough to be a survivable animal, but nothing special. Similarly, I left Melee high enough to be threatening but lower than most of the other (predator) animals. I bought the damage die of a hoof up to d8 as an "additional attribute" per the build blurb. The AR values were similarly purchased to 1, kind of on principle vs what seems normal for animals.

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