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 Post subject: From the Discord
PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 10:43 pm 
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PCIHenry — Today at 10:19
As promised I took some of the questions asked here and brought them up at the PCI Staff meeting last night. Below are some of the answers:

Q: There was confusion about Aspect Proficiencies under clerics. Do you get them then you multiclass in after 1st level? A: YES
Q: There was a question about multiclassing and getting HEAVY ARMOR PROFICIENCY and whether that was OP. A: I was advised that this is standard to basic D&D 5E design. See: Cleric of the Forge, as an example.
Q: In the Arcanis Campaign Setting book, a psi-warrior dipping into Psion also grants proficiency with another save. A: This is something that needs correcting. The second SAVE will be removed and noted in the ERRATA and the Codex of the Mind book.
Q: When using the skin dance options for Sressens from page 178 of the Ssethregoran book, it says at level 6 can transform into drakes. It says drakes are equivalent to dragons, but without any spell casting or spell-like abilities. Would I just look up an OGL Dragon of appropriate CR and use that sans magics?
A: For the moment use the Red Dragon, but we're stating up the DRAKE that this class can use. This will be coming shortly.
Q: I'm looking at a feat in The Blessed Lands book (p162) - Sea Lord's Expertise. It has as a pre-requisite Faithful of Yarris. So I am right to suggest that this just means a worshipper of Yarris, not anything more (like levels in a Divine class)?
A: Correct. We should add a line that says Faithful of X Deity means that the X Deity is your Patron Deity.
Q: Also, Sea Lord's Expertise gives the following - You are Trained to use the trident effectively. Does this imply that the feat gives you proficiency in trident?
A: No. You just wield the trident better (see last bullet point). It does not grant initial proficiency. We'll likely remove the line "You are Trained to use the trident effectively" in future editions to avoid any confusion.
Q: Pedro did talk about maybe adding down time to the campaign to facilitate honored beasts outside of mods. Downtime opens up new challenges. But I do think Shamans should have some opportunities to add beasts to their total arsenal.
A: We're going to add a line to the Campaign Document where you can add an honored beast EVERY EVEN LEVEL Starting at 4th level.
That should do it for now. Thank you for the questions.

LARG; Astra Tonsoria Ursula val¤Dellanov, Martial Former Tribune, Centurion Sword Sage II, T3.4
LA:5E; Magdelene of Ostermann, Dark-kin Courtesan Rog3(Bard)/HC2 (future twilight warrior)
LRC:OP; Seraphina "Flowerchild" Amakiir, Skill Hero

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