Ssethregore: In the Coils of the Serpent Empire


Why Settle for a Serpent Kingdom When You Can Have an Empire?The Ssethric peoples once extended their influence from horizon to horizon; they were masters of all they surveyed. From atop the coiled throne of Yahssremore, in what is now the Blessed Lands, they enslaved or exterminated numerous lesser races during millennia of slaughter. This dominance was squandered by arrogance and centuries of decadence, however, and the reptiles found themselves fleeing for their lives, into the swamps and…

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Paradigm Concepts, Inc.
February 3, 2006

Why Settle for a Serpent Kingdom When You Can Have an Empire?

The Ssethric peoples once extended their influence from horizon to horizon; they were masters of all they surveyed. From atop the coiled throne of Yahssremore, in what is now the Blessed Lands, they enslaved or exterminated numerous lesser races during millennia of slaughter. This dominance was squandered by arrogance and centuries of decadence, however, and the reptiles found themselves fleeing for their lives, into the swamps and jungles of the south. Now, in the fetid marshes of the Kraldjur Morass live the debased offspring of the once-vast Ssethregoran Empire. Fighting constant wars against the Elorii of Malfelen and the Altherian Republic, these scaly horrors seek to return to their rightful place as the overlords of Onara.

Within these pages you will find:

? The history of the greatest Empire in the history of Onara ? including secrets about the world of Arcanis that warm-bloods were never meant to know
? A horde of monstrous reptilian adversaries such as the stealthy Hylis, aquatic Pleisaurans, cunning Ssanu, and full details on the savage Ss?ressen Egg Clutches
? Details on Ssethregoran technomancy, the unique living magical technology of the Empire
? Extensive geographic information about the harsh environments in which the Ssethric peoples dwell, from tropical rainforests to murky swamps and the mysterious underground caverns known as the Lavender Way
? New spells that the scaled horrors use to slay their human and Elorii enemies, such as bolts of reckoning and detonating rain
? A complete Ssethric pantheon of ancient and terrible Gods, including Kassegore the Eater of Souls, Yig the Life-Bringer, and Jeggal Sag the Lord of Drakes
? More than 50 new serpent-worthy feats, such as Blinding Spittle, Furious Charge, and Rending Talons, including feats that even the soft and weak humans might find useful
? 15 new prestige classes, like the Chaoshammer of Zedok, the Order of the Iridescent Scale, and the dreaded Ssethric Inquisitor
? Information about Ssethregoran culture, politics, and society, including a new 20-level base class, the Sentinel of the Blazing Wyrm

If you are ready to take lizardfolk and other scalykind beyond mere mindless reptilian brutes and turn them into the truly horrific menace they deserve to be, then this is the book for you!
Ssethregore is suitable for any campaign!

Ssethregore first appeared in print in 2004 and this PDF is adapted from the original layout files.
It is bookmarked.

Ssethregore is a vastly useful book… The material in this tome alone could help fill Chult in the Realms, the jungles of Freeport or the Amedio Jungles or Hepmonaland of Greyhawk with a rich society of serpent or lizard folk to ally or confront your players.” – Grade: A Bruce Boughner d20 Magazine Rack

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February 3, 2006

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