The Player’s Guide to Arcanis


Mortals Stumble in Darkness; Heroes Light the Way.Arcanis is a world of high fantasy, intrigue, and suspense. Diplomacy, skill, and discretion will carry you as far or farther than skill at arms or in the arts of magic. Heroes come in a myriad of forms. Some are fantastic beings born with the blood of Valinor or the souls of elementals. Others are the descendents of Celestial Giants who once roamed the stars as freely as a fish swims the sea. Many of the greatest heroes of Arcanis are simple…

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Paradigm Concepts, Inc.
April 23, 2006

Mortals Stumble in Darkness; Heroes Light the Way.

Arcanis is a world of high fantasy, intrigue, and suspense. Diplomacy, skill, and discretion will carry you as far or farther than skill at arms or in the arts of magic. Heroes come in a myriad of forms. Some are fantastic beings born with the blood of Valinor or the souls of elementals. Others are the descendents of Celestial Giants who once roamed the stars as freely as a fish swims the sea. Many of the greatest heroes of Arcanis are simple mortals of mundane blood but lofty ideals. It is a world of heroes who stand between the common folk and destruction. You can be that hero. The power is in your hands; leave your mark upon the Shattered Empires!

This book is a comprehensive guide to making an endless variety of adventurers native to Arcanis. All facets of character development are explored, from national and religious viewpoints to the basic building blocks of character creation: names, races, classes, skills, feats, prestige classes, spells, and equipment.

This collection of lore is enough to forge an endless variety of heroes and includes:

? Nineteen races, including new ss?ressen, dark-kin, and dwarf varieties
? Sixteen base classes, including Paladin variants like the Bearers of Woe, the suffering faithful of the goddess Anshar
? Ten monastic orders, like the Order of the Bronze Sepulcher, dedicated to containing the threat of ancient undead creatures without actually harming them
? More than one hundred fifty new feats
? Forty prestige classes, such as the Coryani Battlemage and Altherian Sharpshooter
? New fighting styles ? learn from the weapon masters of Onara, including the teachings of the famed Red Sword Fencing School
? New armor, weapons, and equipment, including new flintlock weapons and a system of enhancements for flintlock pistols and rifles
? Dozens of new spells, such as rapture and your time to die
? New Val families and new bloodline powers for both new and existing families
? Detailed information on the Gods and Temples of Arcanis
? Information regarding national outlook and culture

To use this supplement, you also need the Codex Arcanis. This book requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product utilizes updated material from the v.3.5 revision.
This PDF is fully bookmarked and was created from the original layout files rather than being scanned. The Player’s Guide to Arcanis first appeared in print in August 2004.

“If you are an Arcanis Player, this book should be a no-brainer for you. …it uses a lot of OGC but it’s in one spot and it’s updated for 3.5 and it’s updated for Arcanis. If you play D&D, there are a lot of options here that may fit right into your campaign with little or no work. It’s a great looking, huge book and its potential use is limited only by your willingness to work with it.” – Joe Kushner d20 Filtered rating: 18 out of 20

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