The World of the Shattered Empires Awaits!
Written for mature players that desire to explore a setting of varying shades of grey rather than stark black and white, Arcanis seeks to add a layer of intrigue and moral ambiguity to your gaming table. The adventures presented are part of a rich tapestry that tells the story of the people of Arcanis. While some of these adventures may be played independently of one another, they all weave a story and help unlock the multiple mysteries of the…
Quick Details
The World of the Shattered Empires Awaits!
Written for mature players that desire to explore a setting of varying shades of grey rather than stark black and white, Arcanis seeks to add a layer of intrigue and moral ambiguity to your gaming table. The adventures presented are part of a rich tapestry that tells the story of the people of Arcanis. While some of these adventures may be played independently of one another, they all weave a story and help unlock the multiple mysteries of the world.
This introductory packet contains the following:
A READ ME FIRST document
Pre-Gens (8): 1st level characters
Campaign Rules (Living Arcanis 5E Campaign Guide)
Character Sheet
The following Adventures and associated Character Records and Certs as appropriate:
LA-Intro-1-1 Taboo
LA-Intro-1-2 A Thousand Words
LA-Intro-1-3 Unbated and Envenomed
LA-Intro-1-4 Whispers of the Gods
LA-Intro-1-5 To Die Alone
LA-Intro-1-6 In Plain Sight
LA-Intro-1-7 Espionage
LA-Intro-1-8 The Gleam of Fires, the Throb of Drums
Ad Sheet with the current Arcanis product line as of 10-01-2018
Thank you for giving the Living Arcanis 5E campaign a try and get ready to Leave Your Mark Upon the Shattered Empires!
Technical Information
Watermarked PDF
March 10, 2019