Living Arcanis 5E HP3-02 Divided Loyalties


This adventure is written using the 5th Edition Ruleset. 
Living Arcanis 5E Season 3 War of the Paragon
Hard Point 2 Divided Loyalties
The War of the Paragons begins! This new story-arc picks up right where The Coming of the Destroyer 15-part story arc leaves off! 
In the aftermath of the “Night of a Thousand Screams”, a new tragedy strikes the heart of the elorii nation of Entaris. The Ardakene elder is struck down by a strange malady but the other elorii seem content to let him die….

SKU: 278279-soft Categories: ,


Quick Details

[‘Henry Lopez’]
[‘Santi Casas’]
Paradigm Concepts, Inc.
May 30, 2019

This adventure is written using the 5th Edition Ruleset. 

Living Arcanis 5E Season 3 War of the Paragon

Hard Point 2 Divided Loyalties

The War of the Paragons begins! This new story-arc picks up right where The Coming of the Destroyer 15-part story arc leaves off! 

In the aftermath of the “Night of a Thousand Screams”, a new tragedy strikes the heart of the elorii nation of Entaris. The Ardakene elder is struck down by a strange malady but the other elorii seem content to let him die. Meliros’ only hope of survival rests in the Heroes and the secrets of an island out of myth.

A 1-round adventure optimized for 5th level characters.

This adventure is the second part of the War of the Paragons story arc. 

Technical Information

Watermarked PDF
File Size:
LAHP 3-02
Product ID:
Last Updated:
May 30, 2019

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