Knightly Order of the Phoenix


Like many of the more prestigious Orders of the Crown, the Knightly Order ofthe Phoenix was once a legion during the period of time when Milandir wasthe Coryani province of Milandesea. However, unlike many of its sisterOrders, the history of the Order of the Phoenix predates the Coryani Empireitself. Chosen from the amongst the finest Knights of the Crown, those that Aspireto the Order must prove themselves even beyond the substantial deeds thatearned them notice in the first place. It is…

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Quick Details

[‘Henry Lopez’]
[‘Pat Loboyko’, ‘J. Brian Dalrymple’]
Paradigm Concepts, Inc.
January 10, 2011

Like many of the more prestigious Orders of the Crown, the Knightly Order of
the Phoenix was once a legion during the period of time when Milandir was
the Coryani province of Milandesea. However, unlike many of its sister
Orders, the history of the Order of the Phoenix predates the Coryani Empire

Chosen from the amongst the finest Knights of the Crown, those that Aspire
to the Order must prove themselves even beyond the substantial deeds that
earned them notice in the first place.

It is only these most accomplished and loyal Knights that are granted
permission to bind with one of the Order’s famed Mastiffs, a beast unlike
any mundane dog, and rise to the true rank of Knight of the Order of the

This PDF details the history, organization and secrets of the Order of the
Phoenix and provides everything needed to play one of these elite Knights of
Milandir.  This product the supports the Shattered Empires Role Playing Game, set in the World of Arcanis.

Technical Information

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Last Updated:
January 12, 2011

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