The Forged in Magic: REFORGED Kickstarter is now LIVE and can be found at the following link: Forged in Magic: REFORGED adds over 400+ Continue Reading
Tag Archives Arcanis
Forged in Magic: Reforged for 5th Edition Coming Soon on Kickstarter!
Launching Tuesday, April 19th, is our Kickstarter for our first 5th Edition book – Forged in Magic: Reforged. Over 400 magic items for your 5th Continue Reading Interview
Just did an interview with Dan Davenport of about our next book: Forged in Magic – Reforged for the 5E system. Read it here. Continue Reading
Arcanis 5E Announcement
Since 2001, thousands of players have adventured in Arcanis, the World of Shattered Empires, both in home campaigns as well as the high successful Living Continue Reading
Cradle of Empires: the Blessed Lands Coming Soon!
Enter a world of epic adventure. Ancient and mighty empires vie for supremacy, and the very survival of mankind is at stake. The ancient Continue Reading
Legends of Arcanis adventures are now available!
Legends of Arcanis adventures are now available! Fellow Arcaniac and programmer extraordinaire, Scott Reid, has created a nifty tool to set up your own gaming Continue Reading
New Legends of Arcanis Story Arc Debuted at the Summer Conventions
The Coming of the Destroyer Story Arc Starts Now! The new Legends of Arcanis Story Arc, The Coming of the Destroyer, debuted over the Summer Continue Reading