The Legio Lex Talionis
The Military Arm of the Coryani Inquisition
Admired and feared in equal portions, the Legio Lex Talionis is the military arm of the Coryani Inquisition, bound to seek out heretical cults and purge their corruption from the Empire and the rest of the Known Lands. By its nature and its long standing association to the Coryani Inquisition the legionnaires of the Legio Lex Talionis are devoutly pious, some would say obsessively so, to the Mother Church of Coryan. Though…
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The Legio Lex Talionis
The Military Arm of the Coryani Inquisition
Admired and feared in equal portions, the Legio Lex Talionis is the military arm of the Coryani Inquisition, bound to seek out heretical cults and purge their corruption from the Empire and the rest of the Known Lands. By its nature and its long standing association to the Coryani Inquisition the legionnaires of the Legio Lex Talionis are devoutly pious, some would say obsessively so, to the Mother Church of Coryan. Though they venerate the Pantheon of Man as a whole, it is Illiir in His aspect of the Bringer of Light that the legion takes as their patron deity.
This PDF details the history, organization, and secrets of the Legio Lex Talionis. It also provides several new Backgrounds, a new Cleric Divine Aspect: The Inquisitor (Illiirite Priest), a new Fighter Archetype: The Praefectus Inquisitorus, a new Psion Tradition: The Psionic Inquisitor. And new spells.
Though set in the Arcanis: World of the Shattered Empires Campaign setting, the material in the Legio Lex Talionis can be used in any 5E game.
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Arcanis 5E – LLT
December 20, 2018